Stop It! You Need Good Brakes
November 26, 2017
Good brakes are obviously very important. If you've ever had your brakes go out while you're driving around the Grand Rapids area, you'll know how terrifying it can be. Today we'll focus on how to tell when you have a brake problem and how to make good repair choices. Often, the first indicatio... More

Coolant Service at Tuffy Grand Rapids
November 20, 2017
Grand Rapids residents' vehicles have to operate in a wide range of Michigan temperatures which requires the engine coolant to be able to perform 'no matter what.' Think for a moment about the environment where the coolant does its thing. Very hot, high pressure, corrosive...And all the while, ... More

Breathe Deep in Grand Rapids With a New Cabin Air Filter
November 12, 2017
Poor interior air quality is nothing to sneeze at, and Grand Rapids auto owners might be interested to know that more and more new cars are coming equipped with a cabin air filter. Check your vehicle owner's manual, but they typically need to be replaced at around 12,000 to 15,000 miles (19,000 ... More

Speak Up: Talking with Your Tuffy Grand Rapids Service Advisor
November 6, 2017
About 80% of the vehicles on Grand Rapids roads today are behind on their preventive maintenance schedules. That translates to about 160 million vehicles in the United States that aren't performing as well as they could be - thousands right here in Michigan . Some of the maintenance issues are mi... More