Fuel Saving Tip: Grand Rapids Tune Up
November 25, 2015
Have you ever gone to Grand Rapids to listen to an orchestra? The musicians take the stage early and tune their instruments. Each individual instrument must be in tune, but the critical thing is for the entire orchestra to be in tune with each other. That's why they tune up together.... More

Tire Rotation and Balancing at Tuffy Grand Rapids in Grand Rapids
November 13, 2015
Tires do a lot of vital work for Grand Rapids auto owners. They transfer engine power and braking forces to the road; they handle steering control; and they cushion all those bumps and jolts while driving around Grand Rapids. They also support the entire weight of the vehicle, includ... More

Automotive Guide for Grand Rapids: Where Should New Tires Be Placed
November 11, 2015
When Grand Rapids car owners need to replace tires, they need to know how many they should get, and on which axle they should be placed. Replacing a damaged tire may leave you with three others with significant wear, which could affect your traction control, stability control, and anti-lock bra... More

Grand Rapids Drivers Severe Service Maintenance Schedules
November 4, 2015
Since driving requirements and lifestyles differ among Grand Rapids drivers, SUV vehicle manufacturers publish two auto maintenance schedules: the regular schedule and the severe service schedule. Which schedule should Grand Rapids motorists follow? Here are some questions to ask you... More