A New Battery in Grand Rapids
July 31, 2018
Hello Grand Rapids drivers, let's talk about batteries. Car batteries are just like any rechargeable battery. They will eventually wear out and die. If you are shopping for a new battery in Grand Rapids, here's some auto advice to help you.There are two measurements to consider when purchasing a... More

It Pays to Take Care of Your Transmission at Tuffy Grand Rapids
July 23, 2018
If you've been paying attention, you've noticed that vehicle engines are getting more and more powerful in Grand Rapids. At the same time, they are getting better and better fuel economy. I've gotta tell 'ya, most of that's because of technological advances in transmissions. To get a better unde... More

When "Oh, no!" Turns Into, "All right!"
July 15, 2018
Things we don't expect happen to our vehicles. And let's face, no one really wants to spend money on an unexpected repair. But if you are putting off going to your vehicle repair facility because you're dreading bad news, you might just be putting off some good news. There was one minivan driver ... More

Clean Fuel ? Clean Performance for Grand Rapids Drivers
July 9, 2018
Fuel filters clean the dirt, dust and debris out of your fuel. Both gasoline and diesel-powered engines have them. The fuel filter is located in the fuel line between the fuel tank and the vehicle engine.Grand Rapids auto owners don't need to filter their fuel because it has lots of grit in it; ... More

On Board Diagnostics for Your Engine
July 4, 2018
Starting in 1996, Tuffy Grand Rapids service technicians have been able to use a standardized diagnostic system to help determine what is wrong with a vehicle. This diagnostic system works in tandem with the Engine Control Modules for each vehicle's engine. The Engine Control Module is a computer... More