All Lined Up: Wheel Alignment Service at Tuffy Grand Rapids

May 31, 2017

When all of your vehicle's wheels are lined up exactly with each other, your wheels are in alignment. Hitting a road hazard or even just the normal bumps and bounces of everyday driving in Grand Rapids can cause your vehicle's wheels to be out of alignment.Driving for an extended time around Gra... More

AAA - Cautions in Extreme Heat

May 23, 2017

{?video;480;360;;;/video?} With temperatures soaring to record highs around the country, AAA cautions motorists not to underestimate the ways in which extreme heat can wreak ... More

Servicing High Mileage Vehicles at Tuffy Grand Rapids

May 14, 2017

The price of gas and the uncertain economy are both causing Michigan residents to review their finances. More and more Grand Rapids drivers are opting to keep their vehicles longer and put off purchasing a newer car. It is estimated that two-thirds of the vehicles on the roads of North America ... More

How Do You Save Gas in Grand Rapids, Michigan ?

May 8, 2017

No one in Grand Rapids, Michigan , likes to spend a chunk of change at the gas pump. Rising Michigan fuel prices, however, have spurred Grand Rapids drivers to focus on how to improve their fuel economy. North Americans literally drive billions of miles/kilometers less each month during times of... More