Serpentine Belt Service at Tuffy Grand Rapids in Grand Rapids
April 25, 2016
If you've ever heard a squealing sound under your vehicle hood, chances are it was your serpentine belt. More importantly, the belt powers the alternator. The alternator creates electricity that's used by your vehicle's electrical systems and also charges the battery. Without the alternator, the... More

Commitment to Make Your vehicle Last at Tuffy Grand Rapids
April 17, 2016
These days many people in the Grand Rapids area are really committed to making their cars last a long time. First thing: you've got to start with what you've got. It'd be ideal if people started with a brand new car, never missed a scheduled service item, paid attention to the severe service mai... More

Saving Lives in Grand Rapids with Tire Pressure
April 10, 2016
All new passenger vehicles on our Grand Rapids, Michigan , roads now have tire pressure monitoring systems TPMS for short. They are designed to alert you if your tires are underinflated. Since they are fairly new, a lot of people have questions about them.First off, the most important thing is t... More

Let Tuffy Grand Rapids Help You Extend the Life of Your Car
April 4, 2016
If you haven't shopped in the Grand Rapids area for a new vehicle recently, you're likely to experience some sticker shock. It seems everything is costing more these days. And when you consider the price of auto financing in Grand Rapids, and insurance, the idea of hanging on to your old vehicle ... More