Fuel Filter Service in Grand Rapids Michigan
March 27, 2015
There are a surprising number of small, inexpensive parts that can lead to expensive engine damage when they fail. It doesn't seem right. Fortunately a lot of those things can be taken care of in routine maintenance. They may not be easy to remember, because it is a long list, but y... More

10 Services Grand Rapids drivers Often Overlook
March 20, 2015
We live such busy lives nowadays: work, social events, running the kids all over Grand Rapids. Some days its all we can do to keep track of everywhere we need to be. Thats why youve gotta be organized. Smartphones, calendar apps - we have to keep track of it all. So lets talk about ... More

Battery Replacement At Tuffy Grand Rapids In Grand Rapids
March 10, 2015
Hello, welcome to Tuffy Grand Rapids. Today's focus is batteries. It seems like everything in Grand Rapids runs on batteries. Of course, the batteries were most concerned with here at Tuffy Grand Rapids are those in our customer's vehicles. Just like the batteries in our smoke detec... More

Coolant Antifreeze Service In Grand Rapids, Michigan
March 5, 2015
Grand Rapids auto owners may know that most automotive failures in Grand Rapids, Michigan are tire related, but do you know the second most common cause for vehicle failure? Nope, it's not teenagers. It is the coolant system. But, if you take good care of your SUV coolant system, it... More